Meltdown #3

I can't remember what caused meltdown #1 but it was sometime around noon. Things we going ok until we went to the pool this afternoon and Jelly Bean begged Hubby to help her learn to swim better.

Can we say trigger? Trusting someone with your safety, a man with his hands on your bare skin. Let's jut say she was the only kid crying in the pool area.

And I'm pretty sure she was the only kid crying near the Dole Whips in Adventure Land. She was not getting one of course because after Dad and I told her to sit down and yes she was getting ice cream a total of 6 times between us we were done. We put the consequence out there- ask me again and the answer will be no - and she has to ask....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. This is the story of my life. My Jackson tries to set himself up for disappointment every time. I can tell him what is about to happen, even promise and explain how it is going to go down and he can't believe me until it actually happens. He still checks his food to see if I put something he doesn't like in it. He checks and rechecks every thing I tell him to make sure I am not lying. And heaven forbid if I ever tell him "ask one more time and it won't happen" he will ALWAYS ask again to test me. Then of course we have to deal with the break down when I follow through and he never understands or admits that he had anything to do with the consequence..I am just a liar because I said it would happen and it didn't. UGH He has no capacity for reason, so I don't even know why I try. I will learn, one of these days. :)


Long Overdue Update

Well hello there! It has been years since I've written and published a post and recently I've had the idea that maybe this year was ...