
I did not post yesterday. I had this great idea and started to write about it but it was Wednesday and sure enough after dinner we had kids needing to talk.

Jelly Bean had had a tantrum because she got in trouble for calling her sisters B****** in the car on the way to family therapy. When the transporter asked them discuss the line of questioning was - where did you learn that word. Her answer: My foster parents call me that all the time.


Oh yes instead of explaining that that language is unacceptable and you shouldn't call your sisters names they fell for the distraction and I'm sure it will get brought up at the meeting.


Then Gabby needed to talk. Her Mom told her she has a surprise for her. From her Dad. And then she asked her to draw him a picture and write him a letter.


Over two months ago Mom was told she was not to tell Gabby about the letters her Dad sent. Gabby was too anxious and upset about the issues with her Mom to add the trauma and pain of her Dad in jail for hurting her sister.


So the can of feelings about her Mom's promiscuity and having siblings with different fathers and not being able to see her dad and him being a criminal came flooding at us yesterday. When it wasn't supposed to. Hopefully, the clinical director will see today that this woman lacks any impulse control and even when specifically guided will continue to choose to hurt her child.

And LM cried too. About her grades taking a nose dive. Her ability to concentrate is gone.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a rough one. Sorry for that. Hang in there Mom, you're not alone.


Long Overdue Update

Well hello there! It has been years since I've written and published a post and recently I've had the idea that maybe this year was ...