Our life maybe temporary and chaotic at times but there are things that make us just like everyone else. I'm choosing to celebrate those things after a rough week on Mom. (Mainly because Mom did not sleep Monday night. Like at all. And still dragged her ass to work after dragging 4 kids out of bed and out the door.)
Today I am going to celebrate our inside jokes. As a group we can be pretty fun- ya know provided no one is feeling jealous, left out, or angry. We laugh and are silly. We make the car "dance". We sing obnoxiously loud along to songs on the radio. We bust a move in the back seat. Car Wash is one of my kids' favorite songs. But I digress.
The first night all the kids were here we were talking about house rules. Out of nowhere Jelly Bean made some comment about someone being allergic to animals and that she wanted to give that animal to that person. And hence the random thought of the day was born. At least a couple times of the week someone will point out a random thought. Now it's done with gusto. "Aaanndd the THERE goes the random thought of the day!" or "the random thought of the day brought to you by Gabby."
Always amusing to us is how Mr. Mohawk says things. Like right now he thinks he's not supposed to say the "x word". (He's got older sisters. Not much I can do about the "f" word.) Never mind is Needer-mind. This has become part of our vocabulary. And you can't help but giggle.
But my favorite is Nun-ya. As in None of your business. "Mom? Why do you need to pick up medicine from the pharmacy?" NUN-YA. Which effectively ended the conversation.
Tell me readers- what are your inside jokes?
Home is where your story begins. Welcome to my home. This blog is about a family formed through foster care adoption as we navigate parenting children with early childhood trauma, open adoption, and the child welfare system.
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