Fab Four Update

So I mentioned on Facebook that Maria contacted me last week for help with the Fab Four. Jelly Bean was hospitalized for sneaking out and threatening to kill Maria. I imagine there were further statements about harm that caused them to actually admit her as an inpatient. My medical Spanish is spotty.  Meanwhile Gabby and LM took that opportunity to invite boys over to the house and leave without telling Maria where they were going. 

She was at a loss. We had already asked the girls to help us with the party so they came a night early. Hubby went to get them and found boys in the house when he arrived at 9:45PM and Maria had left for work. (Mr. Mohawk was at a babysitters house.) 

Hubby has a really loud, deep voice when he yells and he yelled at the boys to get the Hell out of the house. He was MAD. Which shows how much he still loves the girls. (Big softie that he is.) I'm sure he embarrassed them and that the hour drive to our house was unpleasant.

He took LM and I took Gabby to speak with about their choices. I of course nailed her feeling directly on the head. She was both afraid for her sister and relieved that she had a break from her and then felt guilty about that. I was like- kiddo you've been here before. It's probably been rough for a while. Don't you remember when she was hospitalized while living at our house?

Her answer was, not really. 

I was slightly dumbfounded. Gabby was the most affected by JB's hospitalization last time. Sleeping in her bed and taping herself reading books to her. She didn't remember any of that. 

I offered to dig up the blog post and she was all "YOU BLOG?!?" She actually thought it was pretty cool and didn't seem bothered by it.

Hubby said he had the sex talk with LM and I never really found out what the entailed. I also had a conversation with her about sex and protection and putting herself at risk. I guess all you can do is keep having the conversation, right?

The girls were a big help and I think they enjoyed being here. Maria brought MM to the party and all he cared about was the dog. But I did get a big hug when he left. I didn't get to spend much time talking with Maria but I will be calling her tomorrow to see how things are.

I'm so glad Maria tapped into her resources. I'm so glad we could help, even if just for a few days. And I feel blessed that we get to be part of this tribe of people raising these kids.

I'm hoping the docs get JB's meds and diagnosis figured out. It's hard to determine what might help her underlying psychiatric condition with all that trauma on top.

LM turns 15 this week. I have no idea where the time went....

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