Wednesday is my new favorite day.

- There was so much bickering this morning we instated a no speaking rule. Literally if you can't say something nice you can't say anything. At. All.
- At 11:00 am I got a phone call from Day care. Mr. Mohawk needs to be picked up. He got kicked out of daycare for the day.
- He ignored me on the phone then passed the phone to another 4 year old.
- He took his hand and tried to get poop on it to wipe on other kids. And I was worried about pink eye.
- He slapped a teacher in the face.
- After discussing the incident and telling him he is to keep his hands to himself he said "Mama I'm going to tell you the truth. You have an H on your car."
- I could only mutter. Yes. That is true.
- At 4 pm I came back from a meeting to find several missed calls and voicemails. Little Mama got on the bus instead of waiting to be picked up for family therapy.
- I know to others this will look like week 3 of foster parents failing to deliver all children to family therapy even though we don't take them there.
- I also knew she did this on purpose because she didn't feel her Mom cared what she had to say last week.
- When I asked her about it she told me the truth - she did it on purpose.
- I was so proud that she didn't lie that I did not hand out any consequences.
- We did have a very long discussion about the choice she made and the ramifications it may have.
- Inside I cheered her on for at least making an outward gesture that she is not ok with how Mom is handling herself. I also didn't blame her for wanting to be in control and skip a session. Good for you LM. Good for you.
- Jelly Bean did not have a tantrum. This is because Hubby told her he felt one coming on so just go ahead and get it over with.
- She tried really hard to get in trouble during homework time and dinner. She did not win.
- Less than a month and then we get a 10 day break from foster care land and got to Disney World where it will be encouraged to live a fantasy life of no worries and all fun.
- I need to find a great gift for my Mom who not only picked up the holy terror from daycare but has been coming to my house to spring clean before the CASA worker comes Saturday. Any ideas please leave them in the comments. (Last year hubby got us a matching ring. He went to Jared. No, seriously. It's where he always goes.)

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