Crash and Burn

So Mom's attorney participated in the family meeting. So of course the letters the kids wrote talking about being scared she used to say that I was influencing the kids feelings. Basically, nothing got accomplished except Hubby and I came to the realization that the feelings the kids share with us don't count and the "professionals" don't care.

Hubby is done. And I am too. Well see what the judge says today but I'm afraid if she agrees with DCFS then we will need to extricate ourselves from the case. For two years we've fought for their voice to be heard and it seems it is falling on deaf ears.

Three days in a row I've woken up in a panic attack. I can't do this anymore.


  1. I feel so bad for you guy and especially those kids. System induced trauma is soooooo hard to stomach!

  2. It kills me to hear your story. And those poor kids! The "system" isnt much of a system at all really.


Long Overdue Update

Well hello there! It has been years since I've written and published a post and recently I've had the idea that maybe this year was ...