Does my Heart Proud

I realized yesterday that I probably don't give LM and Gabby as much Blog time as I do JB. It's true that JB is my most frustrating child and arguably the highest level of need but that doesn't meant that LM and Gabby don't have blog worthy things going on.

And low and behold last night they gave me some good material to blog about. I'm going to tackle LM first as I want to brag about her healing.

So LM is the oldest. Very much parentafied. This was a major struggle for many months an it's still an issue where visits are concerned. and typical of an 11 year old she is fibbing quite a bit. When she came to us she had the BEST poker face I have ever seen. She can participate in a stand off like no one else I know.

But lately the wall has started to come down brick by brick. She had been picking fights when she wanted to talk. Finally last night she ASKED to talk to me. She felt she was lying recently because she's "anxious" about what is going to happen next. And she is confused about what I means to be a big sister vs. The Mom. I almost fell over. Actual plain as day issues to work on? I don't have to scour for subtext or hidden triggers? Oh happy day. So we worked on examples of when her sisters felt she had been a good big sister. Positive Affirmation that she ALREADY is a good big sister.

Then we addressed the what happens next. Unfortunately our answer is we don't know yet. I think they were scared they would be moved from our home so we helped relieve that fear.

I was super proud of her for opening up. Now if only she hadn't forgotten her homework at school and then lied about why we would have had a near perfect day. But I have to cut the kid SOME slack...she is worried she's never going to see her Mother again and I might lose track of time too.

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