A: Yes. We don't have an official adoption home study though an I just have never called our licensing worker to get a copy of our foster care home study.
This all started with Adopt Us Kids. I scoured the website and fell in love with two brothers from California. Then I started to learn about the steps and we landed here in Foster Land.
I appreciate the compliment that we seem like great parents- I hope so.
Hubby at one point said he knew we would be okay after all of this when I told him I had searched the site after we were told the overnight visits were going to begin.
I'm not sure now where I am at with that option. I guess I would say I'm a little gun-shy. A lot of those kids will require a pretty intense course of therapeutic parenting and I'm just not sure I'm ready to jump back into that. I'm sure for the right child I would but right now I kind of like not having tantruming and crying school aged children.
Perhaps that sounds harsh but that is the reality for me right now. I LOVE the Fab Four. And would have crawled through glass for them (and at times it felt like I did) but that's not my role anymore. I don't have to sooth anyone daily. I can make plans and not have to worry about canceling them due to behavior. Nothing got broken or peed on in my house this month. I know where the scissors are. There is no toothpaste on my wall. Or chocolate. There is no court.
This is what burn out looks like. I'm burnt out at work too and so that's not a good combination.
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