Happy Birthday Little Mama (8/2)

Dear LM,

12. 12! I can believe I am the mother of a beautiful preteen girl who is creative and loving. I'm so proud of the young woman you are becoming! I'm sorry you had to meet with the judge today and talk about difficult things. However, I'm very glad you and I got to spend all day together. The cupcakes you made were beautiful. How fitting that you wrote "family" on them considering how much you fit into ours.

You are a Daddy's girl. When he was in a foul mood yesterday YOUR creativity turned him around. Your stubbornness is just like his. So is your sense of humor. And man, you are also not a morning person!

Your willingness to help others and your sense of adventure make me think that sometimes I gave birth to you. But then you draw something elegant and amazing and I realize you are way too talented to be mine!

My prayer for you on your birthday is that you continue to heal from all the hurt. I pray that you get to a place of peace and that sometime soon the adults in your life decide to act like grown ups and protect you.

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