
Today was definitely Monday. It was one of those days where I did NOT have my act together and never recovered. Hence, I'm sitting on my couch watching crap TV in my pajamas waiting for the washing machine to finish so I can go to bed. I really should be packing. Or homework. Or checking homework. 

And it wasn't even a bad day because of the kids. The kids were great. It was all my own misses. Topped off with setting my GPS to the wrong destination and then getting stuck at a freight train crossing. I ended up being in the car for 2 additional hours tonight.

But it's fine we got the CASA and Caseworker #3 visit out of the way for the month. 

We were given the task of getting the kids fingerprinted. (I've been a foster mom for 4 years and never heard of this.) I understand why this should be done but shouldn't this be part of the intake? I haven't looked at the paperwork but I suspect I will have to prove their identity and I'm not sure how I will do that with anything but their Medical Cards. 

So ready for bed...

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