The adoption is delayed because it seems the Department does not actually want kids to get out of the system with the proper supports and so we are fighting about therapy with the current therapist being included in the subsidy. The last meeting with the CASA and Caseworker #4 resulted in a pretty feisty Foster Mom R explaining that I don't want anyone to take the blame as CW#4 offered, I just want someone to take ownership and stop passing the buck. I'm done being nice or patient. I will get unpleasant if I have to. Which may be why no one wants to return my phone calls.
Our last meeting with CW#4 revealed that Sheila is once again blaming The Department for her voluntary surrender of her kids. Apparently, she has managed to forget that she had the court cancel the TPR trial because she decided to sign the surrender (and then delayed it because Simon & Sarah's Bio Dad no showed). She's filed a complaint against CW#4 (I'm not sure what about.) I anticipate some drama headed our way. CW#4 also mentioned that he felt Solana's Bio Dad would be more likely to sign a surrender than Sheila.
We continue to really try to build a relationship with him. We email a few times a week and he asks for pictures of not just Solana but also pictures with her siblings. So I've been sending him cute moments and videos of her crawling.
If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be emailing and voluntarily sending pictures to multiple bio parents, I would have told you, you were crazy. But that's what's best for the kids. And it's such an easy thing to give. It costs nothing, and it goes such a long way!