A Year

Thursday marked one year since the Fab Four lived with us. I called Maria to congratulate her and tell her I thought she was doing great! We chatted about our upcoming trip to a water park. 

It was strange. I cried buckets of tears before, during, and after this day last year but there was only one brief moment that I felt sad. And then I thought about how differently the year turned out from what I expected, and I felt joy.

Reunification for the Fab Four worked. Their Mom learned what she needed to keep going. Is it hard for her? Yes. But she is working through it and reaching out when she needs too. The kids are all speaking Spanish and doing ok. I'm so glad they didn't have to lose their family.

We went from wanting to close our home to being foster parents to four new kids. Hubby and I have a must stronger relationship. We feel better prepared for what is ahead.

And in what I consider a pretty big deal, I managed to wrap Baby Shower gifts tonight without feeling jealous or sad. This is a big improvement from 3 years ago! 

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much you can grow in a single year. I'm extremely happy for your family, and I hope things continue to go so positively.


Long Overdue Update

Well hello there! It has been years since I've written and published a post and recently I've had the idea that maybe this year was ...